Once Upon A Time...
There was a bakery called "Madeleine Patisserie". For those that have been a fan of my brother in-laws, Phanin, pies and sausage rolls - chances are you were most likely served by a shy 13 year old me most weekends. I was a lot more humble then, than I am now...lol🤣
Back then I never liked working in the bakery, but it was a family owned business and that’s what we were meant to do. These days it's a very different story for my kids - I do what my kids don’t want to do! Back then I got a slap if I asked permission to get a job elsewhere. How time has changed!
When I finished high school and didn’t have “the perfect” results to show to my family, so my dad decided to buy the bakery business from one of my sisters, Savin. This business was then handed over to me and my other sister so we could have an opportunity to do something with ourselves - not having the academic results we pressure ourselves into achieving didn’t matter when it comes to pursuing success 💪
Back then I was only 18…
When I reminisce, I can’t remember a day when I enjoyed my work. I didn’t like serving people, I didn’t like anything that came with it. I did however enjoy living away, and the independence that came with this life - so I hung around for 3 years.
Then one day with no warning I packed what I could in 30 minutes with only $650 cash (asian cliche🤣) and off I went. My new adventure up north with my boyfriend was most definitely not approved by the family! BUT, we went anyway and got as far as Brisbane before we ran out cash🤯
Then one day with no warning I packed what I could in 30 minutes with only $650 cash (asian cliche🤣) and off I went. My new adventure up north with my boyfriend was most definitely not approved by the family! BUT, we went anyway and got as far as Brisbane before we ran out cash🤯
Back then, it was the 2000 Olympics. While the world had eyes on the Sydney Olympics I had only just started to feel alive for the 1st time as an adult! Having eyes only for my new found freedom and meeting incredible people along the journey.
The adrenaline was unreal 🤩 Feelings of being scared, excited as well as survival instincts were all put on overdrive! I was 21 but my mind was only 12 - as I was sheltered for so long by what to do and how to do it. I was never doing anything from my own mind. And with no warning whatsoever I had no money, no job, no family … but I was my happiest self.
The adrenaline was unreal 🤩 Feelings of being scared, excited as well as survival instincts were all put on overdrive! I was 21 but my mind was only 12 - as I was sheltered for so long by what to do and how to do it. I was never doing anything from my own mind. And with no warning whatsoever I had no money, no job, no family … but I was my happiest self.
Freedom was all I could smell!
So, I am not the biz savvy woman that built this successful business. I am just another girl that decided to come back and try it again because in the 1st round I didn’t know how to have a voice. After being challenged and getting ACTUAL life experience I was able to be ready for round 2! 🥰
Stay tuned…
We have more delicious bite sized stories coming your way! In the meantime, sink your teeth into some bake at home pain au chocolat or even a beautiful cinnamon scroll 🤤